I will be the first to admit I am not in any way, shape, or form a health food guy. My idea of organic food usually has four feet and fur. I do however, like to pack light when I hit the woods or trail, and I like to get the best bang for my buck. When researching backpacking foodstuffs, I came across the Bearded Brothers Snackfood Company from Austin, Texas. It was their passion for the outdoors that drew me, and it is the quality and taste of their food that will keep me coming back. Well, on with the show.
Each energy bar is handmade. They are 100% Natural, Mostly Raw, Vegan Friendly, and Gluten Free. They come with names like Bodacious Blueberry Vanilla, Colossal Coconut Mango, and Fabulous Ginger Peach. Each package I tested weighed 2.3oz or 65grams. Each is sealed in a foil lined, ziplock, brown paper wrapper. The list of ingredients on the back would make any self respecting hippy bubble over with joy! The ingredients are very simple, things like: Organic Dates, Organic Almonds, Vanilla Rice Protein, Whole Brown Rice, Vanilla, Organic Blueberries, Sea Salt, ect. There is a warning to chew carefully as some product may contain pit pieces, and your nutrition facts. (Around 300 calories per bar and jam packed with vitamins and go power)
When the little brown resealable packages arrived in the mail I was a bit nervous. As I stated earlier, I am not a "health food" guy. I am not that guy because in my experience a majority of food packaged as "organic" or "health food" and the like usually tastes like it was already eaten once. When I think of these types of foods I think of drum circles, bean sprouts, tofu, and granola eating hippies. (no offense to any of you who happen to be granola eating hippies, it's just not my thing. think caveman, and red meat, and fire, and lots of grunting and pointing with sharp sticks, that's my thing)
Anyway, the first one I tried was the Bodacious Blueberry Vanilla bar. When you remove it from the package it feels heavy for its size. It is not mushy, and it does not crumble or fall apart. It feels like it has "substance" if that makes any sense. The first thing I noticed was the smell. I expected it to smell like a granola bar, and boy was I wrong! What a smell these have! You could literally smell blueberries, and vanilla. In fact, my wife asked me what that amazing smell was.
I told her it was nothing. I turned into the creepy little golum from the Lord of the Rings movies. Must hiidess my preccciouss.... ahem. If it smelled this good I could only imagine the taste. The dog was circling me, eying my precious. I promptly locked myself in the bedroom to be alone with my precious, and I ate the whole thing.
Now, let me be serious for a moment and tell you that this is a "good thing". I do not say things are good if they are not in fact, good. If I see something wrong with an item, I say so. I take pride in giving honest reviews, warts and all. The only thing I could find wrong with these bars is the fact that they didn't send me enough of them. These are made with quality in mind and it shows. Now everybody may not find them as good as I did, but I think most people will. I think that these will certainly replace a majority of the snacks and such that I take into the outdoors with me. They weigh next to nothing, are resealable, easily packable, crazy good, and they give you a natural boost of energy for sure.
Perfect for backpackers and outdoors folk who want something no muss, no fuss on the trail or at the campsite. I will be packing these for the kids as well. A homemade, handmade, USA product that I recommend highly. 10/10
Note: please make sure that you are not allergic to any of the listed ingredients.
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